(R)?ex the friendly automation framework



Rex-1.16.0 is now available on CPAN.

It now requires at least perl-5.14.4 to install, contains new features for running commands on Windows, and fixes bugs around git repository branch operations.


Happy 14th birthday, Rex!

Rex-1.15.0 is now available on CPAN. It contains several bug fixes and a few new features.


Rex-1.14.3 is now available on CPAN. It contains bug fixes for local package installation, command existence checks, and Git tests.


The Rex-1.14.2 release is now available on CPAN. It contains bug fixes for running local commands on Windows, cloning git repositories, and test suite fixes for the upcoming perl-5.38.0 release.

Call for papers TPRC 2023

Dean Hamstead from the The Perl and Raku Foundation Marketing Committee has sent an invitation to present about Rex at TPRC 2023. I’m posting it here to increase visibility.


Learning automation using Rex

Ferenc Erki (FErki) will be the guest of Gábor Szabó on the next Code Maven live stream to learn about automation using Rex. Register for the free event via Code Maven or Meetup, and join the discussion!

Unexpected use cases with Rex

Unexpected use cases with Rex at the 22nd German Perl/Raku Workshop 2020 in Erlangen by Ferenc Erki (FErki).

Rex & Friends

Rex & Friends talk at the Barcelona Perl & Friends 2019 by Ferenc Erki (FErki).

» Home » Get Rex

Get Rex


The recommended way to get Rex is to install it from CPAN into your user account's own Perl environment (managed by e.g. local::lib, Perlbrew or similar). You can simply use your preferred client, for example:

$ cpanm Rex

While it's possible to install Rex system-wide from CPAN, for that use case you might be interested in checking out packages for your operating system.

Package managers

Official packages

Rex is distributed via package managers for many different operating systems. The Repology page of Rex is an up-to-date list of available Rex packages.

We encourage you to help those package management projects to distribute Rex. We are happy to support the process, so feel free to get us involved too.

Community packages

If you maintain a repository or an overlay which includes Rex for your distribution, and you would like to get it listed here, just let us know.

Installing from source

You can clone our GitHub repository to install Rex from source. Development is done in the master branch, and we also tag each release there. Installing from source requires Dist::Zilla:

$ git clone https://github.com/RexOps/Rex.git
$ cd Rex
$ cpanm Dist::Zilla
$ dzil authordeps | cpanm
$ dzil listdeps | cpanm
$ dzil install

Some of the optional dependencies might not be available on all platforms, but to install them as well, use this command:

dzil listdeps --suggests | cpanm

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